Susangeline Patrick

May 11, 2020

Nazarene Theological Seminary is excited to announce that Dr. Susangeline Patrick will be joining the faculty as Assistant Professor of World Christianity. This position, notes President Rowell, “aims to bring a global and integrative focus to the disciplines of the history of Christianity and intercultural studies. This broadened focus is critical to the task of preparing students for an increasingly global, multi-ethnic, and multicultural world.”

Dr. Patrick holds a PhD in Intercultural Studies (Historical Theology concentration) and two MAs (Intercultural Studies and Theological Studies) from Asbury Theological Seminary, and a BA in Economics from Xi’an University of Finance and Economics in Xi’an City, China. In addition to her work as a teacher and scholar, Dr. Patrick is a practicing artist and integrates art and theological aesthetics into her historical and theological exploration.

Since 2017, Dr. Patrick has been teaching for NAIITS and has taught for Asbury Theological Seminary. She brings a wealth of ministerial experience, including 12 years of ministry in Christian education with university students and youth in Central Asia and the US.

Dr. Patrick will be primarily teaching in the areas of church history and missiology. “Her expertise in the history of missions, indigenous Christian history in North America, and global Wesleyan and Holiness movements makes her an excellent match for NTS’s curriculum, students, and broader constituency,” states Dr. Josh Sweeden, Dean of the Faculty. She will be following the teaching legacies of Dr. Harold Raser and Dr. Paul Bassett, but bringing a focus and approach of her own. Among other courses, Dr. Patrick is already scheduled to teach North American Christianity, Religions of the World, and Global Development of Wesleyan and Holiness Movements during the 2020-2021 academic year.

Dr. Patrick will be joining the NTS faculty alongside Dr. David Sharpes, whose appointment was announced last week.

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