Nurturing Care: Partnering with churches to design worship and prayer experiences for children as we deepen kids’ experiences of God and nurture care across the congregation.
About Nurturing Care
The Nurturing Care project is focusing its efforts on two separate initiatives. The first addresses elementary school-age children with autism and will work with an ecumenical network of Kansas City churches to offer caring nurture to a growing segment of the population often overlooked by faith communities. The second builds on a pre-existing moral integration collaborative of west coast partners by engaging children in worship and prayer practices among diverse ethnic and immigrant congregations in Northern California. In both initiatives, the Nurturing Care project wants to help children recognize God’s presence in their lives, regardless of the culture or context in which they find themselves.
The two initiatives will utilize design thinking (a creative problem-solving process) to develop prototypes in worship and prayer practices uniquely suited to serve children shaped by diverse contexts. Congregations will work collaboratively with support from consultants, partner organizations, and subject matter experts.
For up-to-date news and information, read our Nurturing Care Blog by Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director.
Why do we use the language of nurturing care?
Our desire is to form and nurture caring people and caring communities for the sake of the church and the world. We want to engender values of gratitude, trust, forgiveness, and compassion among children and adults through our “curriculum of care.”
Our relationship to Nazarene Theological Seminary
Nurturing Care is a project of Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS), courtesy of a grant by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. NTS is a graduate school of theology with a rich history in Christian education. It offers two lectureships on children’s ministry and early childhood development. As an educational leader, NTS will be an important convener and facilitator in the work of Nurturing Care.
To find out more or to participate in Nurturing Care, email Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director, at Dean.Blevins@NurturingCare.org.
Our Staff
These Staff will be facilitating the Nurturing Care With Children in Worship and Prayer project.
Dr. Dean Blevins serves at the director of the Nurturing Care project. His email is Dean.Blevins@NurturingCare.org.
Jeanette Platter is the project coordinator of the Nurturing Care project for Kansas City. Her email is janette.platter@nts.edu.
Christy Dickt serves as the project coordinator of the Nurturing Care project for Northern California. Her email is Christy.Dickt@nts.edu.
Kansas City Events, Partnerships, and Resources
Kansas City Events
We will announce when Nurturing Care events take place in the Kansas City area.
For up-to-date news and information, read our Nurturing Care Blog by Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director.
Join NTS for a Day of Learning with Dr. Amy Jacober

Nurturing Care with Children in Worship and Prayer invites you to a Day of Learning featuring Dr. Amy Jacober, a renowned author and educator on disability, youth, and mental health. Dr. Jacober, the author of Redefining Perfect: The Interplay Between Theology and Disability(Wipf and Stock, 2017), is a minister and theologian with over 20 years of teaching experience. She has taught graduate, undergraduate, and professional students, focusing on how faith, culture, and systems shape our understanding of individuals. Known for connecting beliefs with practical actions, Dr. Jacober bridges the gap between theory and practice in her work.
Event Details:
- Date: February 26, 2025
- Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, with an optional lunch following to 1:00 PM
- Location: Koinonia Café, Nazarene Theological Seminary
Dr. Dean Blevins, director of Nurturing Care, shares that this free event is open to all pastors, students, non-profit directors, and anyone interested in disability ministry. Nurturing Care is funded by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. and hosted by Nazarene Theological Seminary.
The Day of Learning aims to raise awareness about autism and equip Kansas City area churches to help children fully engage in worship and community life.
To register online, click here.
These are some of the partners of the Nurturing Care project.
Kansas City Partnerships
Nurturing Care is working with a variety of experts, organizations, and churches with a deep knowledge and interest in autism and neuro-divergence. Some of these include the following:
Camp Encourage for Autistic Youth
Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders
SOAR Special Needs
The Sending Project
Autism Resources
Listed below are a variety of web-based resources on autism and disability ministries, as well as video stories on children with autism.
Camp Encourage’s videos on Campers (personal narratives)
Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders classes on social skills
Wonderful Works (A Nazarene ministry)
Adapted Discipleship Library (ADL)
Collaborative on Faith and Disabilities
Kevin Tempe’s 22 Advocacy page
National Study on Faith and Disability
Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities
Center for Disability and Ministry At Western Theological Seminary
University of Aberdeen’s Centre for Autism and Theology
Videos are provided courtesy of SOAR Special Needs and Dr. Stephen “Doc” Hunsley. SOAR videos and podcasts can also be found by clicking here.
Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kelly Lee, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Camp Encourage and Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological
Spiritual Autism Awareness
A sermon by Dr. Stephen Hunsley, M.D.
Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders and Kelly Lee, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Camp Encourage
I See
A SOAR Special Needs video
Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kelly Lee, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Camp Encourage and Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological
Transforming Lives: Michael Palacio Story
A SOAR Special Needs Success Story
West Coast/Virtue Events, Partnerships, and Resources
West Coast/Virtue Updates
For up-to-date news and information, read our Nurturing Care Blog by Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director.
Join us in a journey with Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS), and the Point Loman Nazarene University (PLNU) region, to create deep spiritual experiences among elementary children through worship and prayer, while nurturing children and adults into a posture of active Care for other people. This focus on care for others, or generative care, reflects an ongoing project championed by the Point Loma Center for Pastoral Leadership, one which Nazarene Theological Seminary serves as a ten-year partner. The goal remains to encourage congregations through living into moral emotional virtues that evoke generative care for others. PLNU Dr. Ross Oakes Mueller provides a brief introduction to the project.
About West Coast Partnerships
Nurturing Care is working with a variety of experts, organizations, and churches with a deep knowledge and interest in ethnic and immigrant children, as well as other helpful partners. Some of these include the following:
Center for Pastoral Leadership, Point Loma Nazarene University
G. Michael Leffel, Professor Emeritus at Point Loma Nazarene University
Ross A. Oakes Mueller, PhD, Point Loma Nazarene University
Francisca Ireland-Verwoerd, PhD, Boston University
Erin Smith, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Research, Director of Research College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, California Baptist University
Child Spirituality and Virtue Formation Resources
Children’s Spirituality Summit
Real Kids, Real Faith
International Association for Children’s Spirituality
Greater Good Science Center
For up-to-date news and information, read our Nurturing Care Blog by Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director.
Pastor Expresses Gratitude for Nurturing Care Presentation on Autism
During her sermon, Rev. Jessi Marcus of Jacob’s Well expresses gratitude for a presentation by Dr. Léon van Ommen during Nurturing Care’s “Day of Learning” at Nazarene Theological Seminary.
Dr. Léon van Ommen Visits Matthew’s Ministry of Church of the Resurrection
On February 25, Dr. van Ommen took time to visit Matthew’s Ministry, a disability ministry of Church of the Resurrection.
Dr. Léon van Ommen Speaks on Autism and Worship during Nurturing Care’s “Day of Learning”
Dr. Léon van Ommen, who serves as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen, as well as co-Director of the Centre for Autism and Theology, gave a two-part presentation on autism and worship at Nazarene Theological Seminary.
Nurturing Care KC Maker’s Space Project Underway
Over the last months, Nurturing Care has been working to make sure their Maker’s Space projects (Psalm 95:6-7) could take shape and launch to provide worship and prayer practices for children with autism.
Nazarene Theological Seminary Receives Grant of $1.25 Million from Lilly Endowment Inc
Read about Nazarene Theological Seminary receiving a grant to start Nurturing Care With Children in Worship and Prayer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions about the Nurturing Care project.
Q: Why is Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS) interested in autism?
A: Autism is one of the fastest growing forms of disability in the United States, and is also one of the most misunderstood disabilities. A few years ago, a national study on disability ministry revealed that autism is their number one concern, especially among children (ages 3 to 12). There is a great need to educate and provide information that will help the church community, including the Church of the Nazarene, effectively minister to such children. Through a grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc., NTS seeks to be a helpful part of the solution. In addition, NTS has been a long-time leader in children’s ministry and children’s spirituality, and has two lectureships that focus on this area.
Q: Why is the Nurturing Care project focusing on ethnic and immigrant children?
A: The ethnic and immigrant community is the fastest growing community in the United States. The Church of the Nazarene, like other denominations, often struggles to find appropriate ways to help churches with strong immigrant populations flourish amidst cultural challenges and tensions. Immigrant children, especially, struggle to reconcile the world of their cultural heritage and history and the new world they encounter in the United States, which imposes different demands as they navigate a new language or thought forms. How does the church find ways to provide meaningful worship and prayer practices among such children? The Nurturing Care project hopes to help children see how God can accompany them across both their cultural heritage and their new cultural context in ways that bring healing and wholeness.
Q: Why is the Nurturing Care project using design thinking to help solve issues?
A: When most people hear design thinking, they think of an iphone or Silicon Valley, but design thinking is a model of learning that asks how we might think creatively and work collaboratively to actively engage and solve a problem. Rather than lean on one person’s expertise, it is a process of discovery that more often leads to better ideas, deeper creative possibilities, and more innovations and adaptations because of the efforts of many active partners. Nurturing Care wants to empower the people and congregations involved in our project, because they know their location and setting is the most important thing that guides the project.
If you have a question about the Nurturing Care project or want to get involved, please email Info@NurturingCare.org.
Below is a list of videos from Nurturing Care:
Dr. Dean Blevins, Professor of Practical Theology and Christian Discipleship, shares about the changes that have taken place in children’s ministry over the last several years, and how we are entering a new period in how we think about children. In addition, Dr. Blevins discusses the work of Nurturing Care and its contribution to children.
Dr. Dean Blevins, Professor of Practical Theology and Christian Discipleship, briefly discusses three phases in children’s spirituality and how our thinking is changing.
Non-Speaking and Minimally Speaking Autistic Children
Stephanie L. Barton and Stephanie Answer comment on non-speaking and minimally-speaking autistic children (4 min., 25 sec.)
Challenges to Inclusion
Stephanie Answer discusses the challenges surrounding autism inclusion in our worship practices (8 min., 4 sec.).
Engaging Autism in the Church
A conversation with Kris Mitchell and Kelly Lee on how the local church can practically engage children with autism (3 min., 33 sec.).
What is Autism?
Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director, interviews Kelly Lee, co-founder and executive director of Camp Encourage, and Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological on “What is Autism?” (4 min., 55 sec.).
Session 1: The Absence and Ignoring of Autistic People in Church
In this session, Dr. Léon van Ommen discusses the major themes of his most recent book, Autism and Worship: A Liturgical Theology (54 min., 34 sec.). Van Ommen spoke in two different sessions during a Day of Learning at NTS on February 26, 2024.
Session 2: Non and Minimally-Speaking Autistic People in the Church
The second session of the NTS Nurturing Care/KC initiative, held on February 26, 2024, included a presentation by Dr. Léon van Omme on Non- and Minimally Speaking Autistic People in Church (55 min., 35 sec.).
Nurturing Care and Barriers to Care
Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kelly Lee, co-founder and executive director of Camp Encourage, and Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological on Barriers to Care (8 min., 42 sec.).
Myths About Autism
Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders and Kelly Lee, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Camp Encourage (3 min., 47 sec.).