Master's Programs offered at Nazarene Theological Seminary

NTS offers learning experiences that allow you to complete courses within your local ministry context. Our programs offer consistent and meaningful interaction with professors and fellow students. NTS is where education meets you in your context.

Overview of Delivery Systems

Video Conference Courses

Each week, Master’s students join in live, two-hour zoom sessions for real-time lecture, robust discussions, and personal formation. These courses are offered in morning, afternoon, or evening blocks over the course of the semester.

Convene Courses

In addition to weekly zoom sessions throughout the semester, Convene courses also include a week of face-to-face learning every October on our campus located in Kansas City, Missouri.

Online Courses

Most often, these asynchronous courses occur within the 14-week traditional semester. Their requirements and schedules vary. Students in online courses use our virtual learning environment (Moodle) to log on four to five times a week to interact with professors and classmates at your own pace.

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