NTS Stories - Kaitlyn Deisher

NTS recently interviewed Kaitlyn Haley Deisher, a current student in the Master of Divinity program. 

Why did you choose to enroll in the Master of Divinity program at NTS?

I chose the Master of Divinity program at Nazarene Theological Seminary because I wanted to be prepared for a variety of ministerial possibilities, as well as future studies down the road. I have one semester remaining.

How did you experience a sense of call toward vocational ministry?

I first felt the call to pastoral ministry and missions when I was 13 but after college I was still wrestling with what that would look like for me. Before coming to NTS, I had already completed a BA in Christian Ministries but I knew I was still not quite ready for full-time ministry. 

Tell us about a particular professor/class that you enjoy. 

I particularly enjoyed Dr. Hardy’s Prayer and Scripture class. It came at a particularly appropriate time in my life when I was struggling to pray. Theological education is something I have come to value immensely but often those of us who study theology find ourselves dry spiritually at some point in our walk. Dr. Hardy’s class was a drop of water for my tired spirit.

What led you to enroll in NTS? 

I am part of the legacy of NTS. As the daughter of an alumnus and the student of many NTS alumni, I wanted to be a part of the place that had impacted the lives of so many who had impacted mine.

What is your current place of ministry?

Currently, I am working in the Global Ministry Center as a program specialist in Global Missions. I love having the opportunity to support missionaries and develop resources that will help our missions efforts around the world.

What would you say to someone thinking about seminary? 

Looking back on my seminary career, I can see how much I have grown. I have grown academically, yes, but probably more importantly, I have grown emotionally, interpersonally, and spiritually. Seminary is not easy. You have to be committed to the call in order to make it through but once you arrive on the other side, you will find that it is so very worth it.

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