

Rev. Dean Shaw

Current Ministry Role

Lead Pastor at South Carroll Church of the Nazarene
Eldersburg, MD

Years in Ministry

6-15 Years

Areas of Passion

Preaching, Spiritual Formation, Spiritual Direction


Short-term (1-3 months) or Episodic, Long-term (6 months or more)

Why Mentoring?

My hope would be to help pastors in the prevention or navigation of some of the spiritual pitfalls that can derail their ministry or prevent burnout in ministry.

Impactful Books

Henri Nouwen, any of his works. It is his way of getting to the heart of the human condition and creating a path towards healing even though he has wounds himself.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, any of his works. Calling the church to proper discipleship and growth of the individual as well.

Richard Rohr, Immortal Diamond. Getting rid of the false self for the true self along the journey of spiritual maturity.


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