Financial Literacy Workshop

This 2-hour intensive training will focus on three areas: The Past – what are the student’s understandings and practices with money as well as how was the use of money demonstrated in their home and church of origin?  Also, attention will be given to the current debt load (educational debt and consumer debt) of an average American graduate student. The Present […]

Money and Ministry: A Conversation

Each year, as a service and encouragement to our grads, the NTS Center for Pastoral Leadership hosts a meal and event that is dedicated to preparing you for the next chapter. Jeren and Starla Rowell with be with us to share their insights about transitions in ministry. Jeren will offer some specific helps about how to effectively reach out to […]

Wesleyan Theological Society Annual Meeting

NTS will host the 2020 Wesleyan Theological Society's annual meeting. Learn more and register at NOTE to undergraduate professors: NTS is providing a limited amount of housing in the King Conference Center for undergraduate students. The deadline for confirming these rooms is January 31, 2020. The rooms are first-come, first-served. For more details, please reach out to Events Coordinator […]

Financial Literacy Workshop

This 2-hour intensive training will focus on three areas: The Past – what are the student’s understandings and practices with money as well as how was the use of money demonstrated in their home and church of origin?  Also, attention will be given to the current debt load (educational debt and consumer debt) of an average American graduate student. The Present […]

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renting event space, please visit the Event Request page.

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