June 6, 2022

As we finish up the academic year at NTS, I want to thank each of you on behalf of the Wynkoop Center for Women in Leadership for your support through prayer, financial giving, and encouragement. I want to take a few moments to list some of the highlights since our relaunch just 6 months ago on Nov 2, 2021, during Pastors Day (Mercer Lectures on the Doctrine of Holiness) with Dr. Sondra Wheeler.

In Feb. 2022, the Wynkoop Center was able to be one of the sponsors for the Wesleyan Holiness Women’s Clergy Conference. We were able to partner in financially assisting seven women to attend the conference. Many remarked on how transformative and encouraging this event was for them. Here are just a few reflections:


“I arrived at the conference wounded, worn out, and frustrated.  I was met by hundreds of women also called by God and we were given the safe space to hear and be heard.  My eyes were opened to ministries other than the church in which I could live out my calling. I have a long way to go, but I will always look back on the conference as being instrumental in the process of healing.” -Mary Smith 


“When I am among my pastor colleagues, I am usually surrounded by bass and tenor voices. At WHWC, I am immersed in the support and encouragement of sopranos and altos, pastors, preachers, academics, district, and denominational leaders from across the Wesleyan Holiness denominations. WHWC is one of the few places where the people who are leading as well as attending, know and understand the unique struggles and joys of being a woman in ministry. That is why I am incredibly grateful to NTS for making it possible for so many of us to attend the conference this year.” -Kaza Fraley


We were very honored to provide resources through financial awards for other learning opportunities too. The Wynkoop Center presented a research and a conference award to two eligible applicants. Additionally, Dr. Linda Alexander, Rev. Dr. Dana Preusch, and Rev Dr. Jeren Rowell prepared and implemented a meaningful resume workshop for women. It provided strategic insights and approaches on techniques to highlight competency in resume preparation and putting one’s best foot forward!

I also want to take a moment to thank our amazing advisory council team for their continued support and wisdom: Dr. Linda Alexander, Rev. Janice Ballard, Miss Dawn Falk, Rev. Dr. Jesse Middendorf, Rev. Dr. Nell Sweeden and Rev. Christine Youn Hung. On a note of celebration, Rev. Dr. Dana Preusch, Assistant Director of the Wynkoop Center just completed her Doctor of Ministry Degree!

We anticipate even more to come as we seek and discern next steps for the Center, places to engage as we continue to educate, equip, advocate, and empower women through resources and partnerships in the coming year. Plan to connect with us and one another during the upcoming PALCON (Pastor and Leaders Conference) events: (1) a women’s clergy breakfast gathering in Nashville at Trevecca Nazarene University (nts.edu/encourage-at-tnu) and in (2) Nampa, Idaho, at Northwest Nazarene University (nts.edu/encourage-at-nnu).

Finally, one of the ways the Wynkoop Center seeks to encourage women is through shared stories. Below is a link to an interview with Rev. Christine Youn Hung (Director of Pastoral Development for the Northern California Church of the Nazarene). Christine recently graduated with her Master of Divinity Degree and has already begun her Doctor of Ministry degree here at NTS. A hearty congrats to you, Rev. Christine!


Keep dreaming with us. We need your voice, vision, and valor in the Kingdom!


Grace and Peace,




Jenny Matheny

Assistant Professor of Old Testament and Director, Wynkoop Center for Women in Leadership

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