November 2, 2020
Who do you love? At Thanksgiving, this question comes close to home, where we traditionally give thanks for, and alongside, those with whom we share the deepest love. Perhaps during this difficult year, what others really mean to us has come into even sharper focus, even if through virtual presence when necessary.
Gratitude is always relational. There is always someone to whom, with whom, or for whom, we express our gratitude. We experience the grace of God very personally. The gift of abundant life the Father gives through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is relational. Our relationship with God involves interpersonal connection within the community of believers, as is experienced so meaningfully in the sacrament of the Eucharist—giving thanks together, to God for his indescribable gift. While God’s gift to believers includes participation in the Body of Christ, it is not usually the formal institution of the Church for which we express our deepest thanks. Like the Apostle Paul, who addressed his gratitude for dear individuals within each local church, we also think of particular people with whom we have shared the journey of life in meaningful ways.
In my experience, the personal nature of thanksgiving is clearly evident in those who express their gratitude for Nazarene Theological Seminary. Whether through personal testimony or through a sacrificial gift of support, personal gratitude to God and for others is always a part of the story:
- Alumni give because of their love for the professors who helped shape them.
- Local church members give because of their love for alumni pastors who dedicated their lives to serving others.
- People start scholarships to honor beloved family members who have had an enriching connection with the seminary.
- Faculty and staff give out of gratitude for the privilege of mentoring and shaping students while they themselves are transformed through that experience.
- Students give thanks for the supporters of NTS who provide scholarships and support through the Seminary Fund.
Our prayer of thanksgiving and intercession goes out to the entire NTS community, many of whom are experiencing difficult times personally, physically and financially. Our prayer of thanksgiving also includes the many who continue to support as they are able. God is still calling, preparing and sending ministers of the Gospel into this world during 2020—for such a time as this. As students respond in faith, we have found that friends of NTS are faithful to support the cause with their hearts, prayers and support.
Thanks to a generous anonymous gift, your gifts to the Seminary Fund through December 31, 2020 will be matched dollar for dollar. The Seminary Fund provides vital tuition assistance, student on-campus jobs, faculty development, continuing education, and more.
Will you pray about how you can help NTS finish the calendar year strong with a special gift of appreciation? Here are some ways you can give:
- Become a Seminary Sustainer with a recurring gift
- Make a one-time gift
- Make a special $10,000 75thAnniversary gift to honor or memorialize a loved one
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV