January 5, 2021
Belief and gifts are important motifs during Advent, Christmastide and Epiphany. The faithful believe that in 2021, God is working toward his future through the gifts of his Son, the Holy Spirit, and the activities of his very own people. This is the faith that moves people to accept God’s call to minister the Gospel, to study at Nazarene Theological Seminary and to support the mission. And so, as the Story continues from generation to generation, thanks be to God.
Will you take a moment to celebrate with us a recent special gift? In November 2020, Nazarene Theological Seminary received a gift of over $65,000 from the estate of the late and beloved Ed and Nancy Robinson. All who knew and loved the Robinsons miss them and are saddened by their passing. Yet, the Robinsons, in living faith, had left a gift that truly keeps on giving for generations into the future.
The Robinsons directed their estate gift to be added to the NTS scholarship they had established (2007) in memory of Ed’s parents, Lyle and Bernice Robinson. Increasing the scholarship had long been Ed and Nancy’s dream, and the scholarship principle now amounts to over $85,000. The earnings provide funds for graduates of Northwest Nazarene University to study at NTS. For more information about the Robinsons, click here.
Faith and gifts go together. Will you join other faithful friends of NTS in establishing/giving to a scholarship or including the Seminary in your will/estate? These are gifts of faith in God’s better future for generations to come.
- To give to the Lyle W. and Bernice J. Robinson Memorial Scholarship, click here and type “Robinson scholarship” in the Scholarship Name box.
- To start a new scholarship, download the new scholarship form here.
- To learn more about estate planning, please contact me.
Thank you for your support of the mission of NTS to form faithful and effective ministers of the gospel. May God bless you and your ministry in 2021.
Rev. Tim McPherson
Dean for Advancement