Official Transcript Request Please click here to request an official transcript. Unofficial Transcript Request If you are human, leave this field blank.Complete this form to request an unofficial electronic transcript. To request an official transcript, please click here. Last Name *First Name *Middle Name *Maiden Name (if applicable)Last 4 digit of SSN (If a non-US resident, please enter: "0") *Birthdate *Phone Number *Email Address *AddressCity *State *Zip *Update my address with NTS recordsYesYear(s) attended NTSNumber of copies to be sent (up to 3 per request) *When do you want the unofficial transcript(s) to be sent? *As soon as possibleAfter grades are recorded for the Fall semesterAfter grades are recorded for the Spring semesterAfter grades are recorded for the Summer semesterDestination 1Name/Organization *Email address of recipient: *Destination 2Name/OrganizationEmail address of recipient:Destination 3Name/OrganizationEmail address of recipient:Pursuant to Federal Law 93-380, this personal information is transferred only on the condition that you will not permit any other party to have access to such information without the written consent of the student. I certify that the foregoing statements and information provided by me are true and correct and that this e-mail message constitutes my electronic signature. I authorize Nazarene Theological Seminary to mail my transcript to the address/es provided. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless Nazarene Theological Seminary from and against any and all claims relating to the provision of my transcript to persons at the addresses specified in this request.SignatureReset SignatureToday's DateNOTE: There is no charge for unofficial transcript requests. Transcripts are processed weekly; deadline is 4:30pm CT on Tuesday. Contact us at or at 816.268.5442 if you have additional questions. *reCAPTCHA is required.Submit