The Association shall be known as the Nazarene Theological Seminary Alumni Association (the Association).


The purpose of the Association shall be:  (1) to bind the Alumni into a unit of influence to be exerted for the advancement and development of NTS; (2) to cultivate and perpetuate individual acquaintance, networking, mentoring, professional growth, spiritual growth, and friendship among NTS Alumni.


Membership in the Association shall include all those who have received an earned degree from NTS, an honorary doctorate, emeriti and current faculty, and those completing a substantial number of educational hours at the Seminary.



SECTION 1.       The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, Chairpersons of standing committees and no less than 2 persons to serve on each of the standing committees. These officers, along with the Seminary President and the Director of Alumni Relations, shall constitute the Alumni Council of the NTS Alumni Association.

SECTION 2.       Nominations shall be made by the entire Association during the same year of the General Assembly. The Alumni Council will then review the nominees, striving for representation on the council of those from various educational regions, ministry backgrounds (pastorate, non-profit, chaplaincy, etc.) as well as from international and non-Nazarene contexts in order to accurately reflect the increasing diversity of NTS alumni. A final ballot will be presented to the full Association via email prior to the General Assembly.

SECTION 3.       The election of the officers shall take place on the year of the denominational General Assembly to be approved by a 2/3rds majority vote with a yes/no ballot. The officers shall serve until the next General Assembly or until their successors are elected.

SECTION 4.       All Alumni Council Officers may serve for up to 2 terms but must be voted on in a ballot measure at each General Assembly.

SECTION 5.       There shall be at least 12 persons elected to serve on the standing committees.

SECTION 6.       In the event of a vacancy in any office during the term, the Alumni Council is empowered to fill the vacancy.


SECTION 1.  President – It shall be the duty of the president to work alongside the NTS alumni director to cast vision for the work of the Council, oversee meetings, represent the school at various gatherings, and serve as an ex-officio member of the NTS Board of Trustees. The president will also connect with committee chairpersons on a regular basis regarding their progress on projects and initiatives and report back to the Council. The president will also sit on one of the standing committees. The president must be a member in good standing in the Church of the Nazarene.

SECTION 2.  Vice President – It shall be the duty of the vice president to serve in the president’s stead if/when needed. The vice president will also partner with the president and alumni director to connect with committee chairpersons on a regular basis regarding their progress on projects and initiatives and report back to the Council.  The vice president will also sit on one of the standing committees below.

SECTION 3.  Secretary – It shall be the duty of the secretary to record and distribute meeting minutes. The secretary will also sit on one of the standing committees.

SECTION 4.  Alumni Director – It shall be the duty of the director to serve as a liaison between the Council and the NTS cabinet, staff, and faculty regarding alumni initiatives and communication. The director will sit on one of the standing committees as needed.

SECTION 5.  Committee Chairs and Members (12 total elected)

(Messaging) Communications (3 members with one to serve as Chair) – This committee will work closely with the communications team at NTS regarding ongoing messaging to alumni on social media and more, help gather alumni stories for ongoing promotional purposes, and help plan strategy for messaging about upcoming events.  The committee will also seek to provide alumni with information regarding the activities and needs of NTS and encourage members to engage in supporting the school through prayers, volunteer work, and financial support.

(Equipping) Networking (3 members with one to serve as Chair) – This committee will help recruit, equip, and follow up with alumni who serve as representatives at strategic events local to them (ex. regional campus events, Christian Community Development Association, Youth Specialties, district assemblies, etc.) and plan regular Zoom conversations on relevant topics including conversations with current/emeriti faculty and among affinity groups such as children’s pastors, chaplains, and non-profit leads.

(Planning) Events (3 members with one to serve as Chair) – This committee will help plan and organize in-person alumni events at denominational gatherings, on Nazarene regional campuses (homecomings and pastor day events, for example), hub-city gatherings, class/regional reunions and more.

(Inviting) Recruitment and Outreach (3 members with one to serve as Chair) – This committee will help identify and execute new and creative ways to recruit students and donors as well as nurture current donors. This will include support and promotion of NTS annual and special giving projects, capital campaigns, and procurement of endowment funds.

SECTION 6.  Removal – A member is subject to removal by a super majority vote (75% or more) of the Council if (1) he or she has missed three consecutive scheduled meetings, or (2) the council member’s code-of-conduct is out of compliance with the signed commitment form for the Council.


SECTION 1.       There shall be no less than 2 meetings each year of the Alumni Council and additional meetings as necessary.

SECTION 2.       A meeting of the full Association shall be held at the time and place of the General Assembly.



This constitution may be amended or revised as follows: An amendment shall be introduced at a meeting of the Alumni Council and, if approved by a super majority (75% or more) of those voting, shall be submitted to the full Association for its approval via an electronic/mail ballot. Amendments or revisions of the By Laws will be approved by the Alumni Council.

The by-laws and any duly adopted amendments shall constitute the governing rules for operating the Association and all conduct taken by or on behalf of its members. Any dispute or conflict arising from the interpretation of the By-Laws shall be resolved by a super-majority vote of the Alumni Council under the direction and supervision of the Alumni Director.  If any such dispute or conflict involves, directly or indirectly, the actions or inactions of the Alumni Director, the Council by and through its President shall consult with the NTS President.

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