NTS Stories_ Kyle Poole

 NTS Stories: Rev. Kyle Poole (M. Div., 1995)

Kyle PooleMy parents (Wendell and Jo Ann Poole) are both pastor’s kids (PKs). They met at Trevecca Nazarene University and married in the early 1960’s. After graduation from TNU, they made a home in Nashville, taught in the public school system, and served in their local Nazarene church. So, my brother and I were raised by faithful Nazarene laypeople who modeled love for Christ and His Church.

I also decided to attend TNU, where I met Julie Bearden. Julie is a PK who said she “would never marry a pastor.” Since I was an accounting/business major when we started dating, and had no idea God would call me to vocational pastoral ministry, she likes to say that me and God “tricked her” ;). I responded to God’s call to pastoral ministry during my sophomore year at TNU during a chapel service where Doug and Pam Runyan where describing their surrender to a call to serve as missionaries in Africa. At the close of that chapel service, I surrendered my entire life and future to God, which resulted in an immediate and clear call to pastoral ministry. Julie and I married during Christmas break of our senior year of college (December, 1990). Since I kept my business major after responding to God’s call, I knew I needed more preparation for a lifetime of ministry. So, shortly after college graduation, we moved to Kansas City so I could start the M. Div program at NTS.

The formation and friendships that God graciously granted during our time in KC and NTS are precious and priceless. We wouldn’t trade those years for anything! And, I can’t begin to imagine facing the complex challenges of culture and ministry without the preparation and tools that NTS provided.

I’m so grateful for professors and leaders like Al Truesdale, Paul Bassett, Ed Robinson, Alec Deasley, Gordon Wetmore, Harold Raser, Chic Shaver, and many others who have helped shaped my heart, mind, and love for the mission of God and the Church in profound ways. I’m also indebted to leaders like Gary Sivewright, Fred Fullerton, Jesse Middendorf, Monte Cyr, and Bob Broadbooks who mentored me and gave me opportunities to learn and serve in and through the church.

After several years in local and denominational youth ministry and resource development, I began serving as a lead pastor in 1997. Since that time, Julie and I have been blessed to serve and advance the Kingdom alongside wonderful people in the following congregations: Grand Saline, TX; Gardendale, AL; Gallatin, TN; Midland Valley Community, SC.

During the Summer of 2018, the Georgia District elected me to serve as their District Superintendent. After much prayer, Julie and I embraced God’s call to this new role and season in our lives. We are in a new place with a new assignment as new “empty nesters.” Our oldest son, Jackson, graduated from TNU in May 2019 and our youngest son, Kurtis, is a Sophomore at TNU. But, in this new season, with completely new ministry rhythms and relationships, we are finding that God is always faithful!

My new role as Superintendent is both energizing and challenging. To me, the best part is connecting with local pastors and congregations in worship, prayer, conversation, and celebration of the great things God is doing among us. Challenging (but also energizing) aspects include combating isolation, low morale, and bringing diverse groups of people together for a common mission.

Georgia is the largest state (geographically) east of the Mississippi River. The 159 counties from the North Georgia mountains to the South Georgia ocean shores represent amazing cultural beauty and diversity. Metro Atlanta’s population is now more than six million, with the world’s busiest airport. Christ’s love compels and calls us to reach this great state and beyond for His glory. This will require huge prayer and efforts toward vibrant church renewal and new church development. Please pray with us as we seek to advance the Kingdom of God.

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