Rev. DillmanThe Rev. Clifford K. and Bertha M. (Eickelberger) Dillman Scholarship, endowed in 2011 by the late Rev. Dr. Victor Dillman to honor the work of his parents, has now achieved “Scholarship of Distinction” status through a generous gift from Victor’s estate. This gift comes on the anniversary of Victor’s passing in December 2012.

Upon the original endowment, Rev. Victor Dillman stated:

I wish to begin an endowed scholarship for my late parents to assist students entering the ministry of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ….It is hoped that the endowed scholarship will enhance and encourage women and men to enroll at NTS in preparation for the ministry and that they develop sound biblical theology and will spread THE WORD OF GOD faithfully….May God continue to bless the work of NTS as the students go out into the world to preach the gospel and make disciples.

As a Scholarship of Distinction, the Rev. Clifford K. and Bertha M. (Eickelberger) Dillman Endowed Scholarship will now provide a full three years’ tuition for a student of distinction at NTS, in perpetuity.

Rev. Clifford K. and Bertha M. (Eickelberger) Dillman:

Rev. Clifford Dillman began his preaching ministry in 1913 when he pastored a circuit of five churches. During this time, he met Bertha, who became his beloved wife and partner in ministry.

[My parents] were pioneer pastors working in Illinois with District Superintendent E.O. Chalfant in the thirties. Uncle Buddy was an annual guest. They founded Casey First in 1953…and Arcola First, organized in 1936, and they helped pave the way for Spanish Church in Arcola to become a reality….Thank God for the pioneer ministers. – Rev. Victor Dillman

Pastor and Mrs. Dillman served many churches in their long pastoral tenure. Their ministry spanned more than six decades in various parts of Illinois, central-southern Indiana and included evangelistic work, promoting scriptural holiness and the peace of Christ through the Nazarene movement.

Rev. Dr. Victor E. Dillman (1930-2012)

Victor was an ordained minister, educator, social worker, counselor, consultant and a veteran in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.

Rev. Dr. Dillman received a B.S. from Olivet Nazarene University in 1967, a Master’s Degree in Social Work at the University of Illinois in 1971 and a PhD of Philosophy from International University ULC. He was visiting professor for five summers at Pasadena Graduate College and at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego.

Rev. Dillman pastored seven United Methodist congregations in Illinois and was an interim preacher at the Free Methodist Church in Sedalia, MO. Victor was also Commanding Officer of Salvation Army Corps in Kewanee and Momence, IL.

Victor was a social worker and counselor at Kewanee High School and was employed for 25 years with Henry-Stark Counties Special Education, both in Illinois. Victor founded the Youth for Christ Inc. in three locations: Fairbanks, AK; Sedalia, MO and Kankakee County, IL. He was foster parent to 15 youths to help them through school and onto either college or vocational training. Victor served as president and Chairman of the Board for the Quad Counties Youth Services, a program to assist youth and family intervention. He served as a member of the Kewanee Drug and Alcohol Task Force and was CEO and president of the Henry County Youth Services Bureau Inc.

Victor also provided consultant services for 25 years for long-term healthcare homes situated throughout Illinois.

NTS President, Dr. Jeren Rowell comments:

We are grateful for Dr. Dillman’s investment that promotes biblical scholarship and pastoral preparation at NTS. We are especially thankful for his example of lifelong service to others in the name of the Lord Jesus. Victor loved the Lord, invested selflessly in others, and believed that higher education, Christian commitment and involvement in one’s community are the pathways to a hopeful future. We are thrilled to be a part of Victor’s dream, helping students “develop sound biblical theology,” “spread the word of God faithfully,” and “go out into the world to preach the gospel and make disciples.” His lasting gift will help students for generations to come.

More about NTS Scholarships:

Scholarship endowments at NTS begin at $10,000 and achieve “Scholarship of Distinction” status at $150,000. Visit to learn about starting a new scholarship or to give to an existing one.

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