Pastor Kurt Gold and Pastor Jeremy Scott

Pastor Kurt Gold and Pastor Jeremy Scott

When NTS alumnus Rev. Jeremy Scott (‘06) and his congregation noticed the rising numbers of people in their region struggling with addiction, they prayerfully decided to launch a new ministry. North Street Community Chapel in Hingham, Massachusetts, recently started The Anchor as a ministry focused around addiction prevention/recovery and the arts. They especially had a heart for the town of Hull, a neighboring community located just a few miles from Hingham.

Part of the challenge of launching a ministry like this was finding the right leadership. Rev. Scott and the leadership of the church sought someone who could relate with those struggling with addiction and be able to minister with the love of Christ. They were grateful when the Lord sent Kurt Gerold who now serves as an Anchor ministry leader and associate pastor to the town of Hull. Gerold is in recovery himself and understands the challenges of addiction.

Rev. Scott spoke of their vision for the new ministry:

“We aren’t planting a church, but we sure believe we’re planting the church. Things have moved quickly and we’re learning a lot, having hired a full-time pastor who is in recovery himself and meeting all sorts of people in need and who want to help.”

Part of the strategy from the beginning has been leveraging partnerships in the community. Programming is often collaborative and have included partnering with local detox facilities and hosting open mic nights.

“The connections we’re making with the schools, the police, social service agencies, and residents are growing every week,” noted Rev. Scott. “We’re currently working hard to secure a location in the town of Hull that can be the center of our ministry.”

Read more about The Anchor through a recent Hingham Journal news article. You can learn more about the Anchor through their website or by following them on Facebook.

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