
michaele-lavigne-nts-churchRev. Michaele LaVigne has been named as the Pastor in Residence for the Spring 2021 semester. Michaele is the Pastor of Spiritual Formation at 8th Street Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma City. She is a graduate of Mt. Vernon Nazarene University and has earned a Master of Divinity from Ashland Theological Seminary.

“I am honored to serve as NTS’s Pastor in Residence this coming semester,” Rev. LaVigne said. “My own seminary experience was foundational for my life in ministry. The conversations, ideas, and prayer practices introduced in that season continue to produce fruit years later. The Church desperately needs well-formed leaders, and I am excited to participate, even in this small way, as part of this crucial formational experience for future leaders.”

The Pastor in Residence program was developed in 2019 as a way to bring excellent ministry practitioners into close proximity and dialogue with current NTS students through writing, participation in academic presentations and dialogue, and extending a ministry of presence.

NTS President Dr. Jeren Rowell said, “We are so pleased to welcome Rev. Michaele LaVigne as our Pastor in Residence next semester. Pastor LaVigne brings to NTS the experience of establishing new missional work in an urban context, which is increasingly important to many of our students who are being called by God to proclaim the gospel in the cities. Michaele is a model preacher, wise pastor, and vibrant missionary sent to announce God’s reconciling love in Christ Jesus.”

Read Rev. LaVigne’s full bio and learn more about the Pastor in Residence program here.

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