Mrs. Evie Gardner
Current Ministry Role
Missionary with the Church of the NazareneDale, TX
Years in Ministry
25+ YearsAreas of Passion
Worship, Spiritual Formation, Spiritual DirectionAvailability
Short-term (1-3 months) or Episodic, Long-term (6 months or more)Why Mentoring?
God gave me the verse in Psalms 71:18 about 12 years ago and I have made it my motto. I believe we are to be purposeful in passing along the torch to those coming up in ministry behind us. I had the privilege of mentoring several young adults in Kenya and now that I am about to retire from the mission field I would like to mentor others who feel a call to missions or ministry. I also feel it's important to pass along life skills to those coming behind us.Impactful Books
The Holy Bible
Clifton Strengthsfinder
Bible Study books by Aletha Hinthorn
African Friends and Money Matters by David Maranz
All these helped me to develop myself so that I could be an instrument in helping others develop in the Lord. I have used the Strengthsfinder survey to guide young adults in knowing who they are. I have also used the Spiritual gifts survey to help them learn about themselves and their gifts.