October 5, 2021
Nazarene Theological Seminary is excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Andy Johnson, NTS Professor of New Testament, to the Willard H. Taylor Chair in Biblical Theology.
Willard Taylor served as Professor of Biblical Theology at NTS from 1961-1981, and as Dean of the Faculty from 1971-1981. Taylor died unexpectedly in August 1981, just prior to the start of the academic year. After his passing, a scholarship was funded in his name and then eventually, in 2001, a faculty chair in biblical theology was established. Dr. Roger L. Hahn, Emeritus Professor of New Testament and Dean of the Faculty from 2002-2017 was installed as the Willard H. Taylor Chair in 2005, which he held until his retirement in 2020. Dr. Hahn noted his own affirmation of Dr. Johnson’s appointment to the Taylor Chair:
“Dr. Johnson has been on the forefront of the Theological Interpretation movement that developed in Biblical Studies, as evidenced by his invitation to write the volume on 1 and 2 Thessalonians for the Two Horizons New Testament Commentary Series. The Theological Interpretation movement is one of the most important successors of the Biblical Theology movement of the twentieth century. In this regard, Dr. Johnson’s work exemplifies the ideal that my generation was taught by Dr. Taylor.”
Dr. Andy Johnson joined the NTS faculty in 2002, having taught the eight years prior at Eastern Nazarene College and Trevecca Nazarene University. Johnson is widely regarded among students and alumni as an excellent teacher. His courses like Revelation, Resurrection in the New Testament, Biblical Perspectives on Social Justice, and the Gospel of Mark have become signatures of the NTS experience. Alumni frequently return to audit his courses, often they are pastors unabashed about naming the value of Dr. Johnson’s courses for their own sermon or discipleship prep. He is happy to be a resource. Dr. Johnson is also a prolific scholar. He has published over 30 journal articles and essays and four books: Holiness and Ecclesiology in the New Testament (2007) with Kent Brower, 1 and 2 Thessalonians (2016), Holiness and the Missio Dei (2016), and Cruciform Scripture (2021) with Christopher Skinner, Nijay Gupta, and Drew Strait.
Dr. Kara Lyons-Pardue, Professor of New Testament at Point Loma Nazarene University, notes that Dr. Johnson is “actively engaged with New Testament scholarship at the highest level.” Dr. Lyons-Pardue was a student and mentee of Dr. Johnson as a graduate student at NTS. She further notes that, “As a mentor, Andy pairs honesty with generosity of time and encouragement. The friendships and connections that Andy fosters as part of his academic posture open the doors for conversations and opportunities that enrich his studies and all those in his sphere.” Dr. Nijay Gupta, Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary added, “Dr. Andy Johnson is a widely respected New Testament scholar who brings an insightful Wesleyan lens to the study of Scripture. He is one of the most mature, generous, and humble colleagues in the field—well deserving of this title and honor.”
Dr. Andy Johnson’s appointment as Willard H. Taylor Chair in Biblical Theology recognizes Dr. Johnson’s role in NTS’s continued legacy of robust teaching and scholarship at the intersection of Bible and theology. True to its Wesleyan identity, NTS affirms the primacy of Scripture. Dr. Johnson models that commitment by bringing Scripture into conversation with contemporary issues and other disciplines in service of his students and the life of the church.
Dr. Josh Sweeden
Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Church and Society