Last Sunday in January
or a day of your choosing
For the last five years, over ninety percent of NTS graduates were already serving in local congregations. An investment in NTS is also an investment in the local church.
The Seminary Sunday offering benefits ministerial students—the seminarians—by enabling NTS to provide the finest theological education possible while keeping tuition low. Every dollar invested provides tuition assistance, student jobs, teacher salaries, faculty development, multicultural programs, continuing education, library books, technological services, school buildings, other necessities, and more!
Participate in
Three Easy Steps!
COMMUNICATE (December/January):
- Announce the Seminary Sunday offering (January 26, or a Sunday that works best for your church or group).
- Share and include provided images and video in your newsletters and on social media accounts.
- Receive a special Seminary Sunday Offering (January 26, or a Sunday that works best.)
- Share the NTS video in your worship service on Seminary Sunday.
- Download and print the bulletin insert to share with your community.
- If you or someone in your congregation is a student/alumni of NTS, invite them to offer a testimony.
- Pray for NTS and all seminarians in your worship service. (Download the guided prayer)
- Mail a check to Nazarene Theological Seminary, 1700 E. Meyer Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64131 (write Seminary Sunday Offering in the memo line)
- Give online here
- To receive 10% giving credit, give at Point-to-Point through
Need giving envelopes for your congregation or have questions? Contact us at
Download Resources
NTS has created a shorter and longer version of the same Seminary Sunday video. Download the version that best meets your needs.
Download the Shorter Video (2 min., 56 sec.) – After clicking on link, right-click on video to download.
Download the Longer Video (3 min., 56 sec.) – After clicking on link, right-click on video to download.
Responsive Prayer for Seminarians – Slides
See how God is using NTS to form faithful and effective ministers of the Gospel. Read more.