Job Overview

Hours: Part-time (less than 20 hrs.)

Wage Type: Paid internship

Education Requirements/Preference: Some college preferred

Job Requirements:

Contact for more details!

Additional Information/Comments:
This paid internship at a local KC church near the Seminary is flexible in nature but carries certain expectations. These expectations include: – Preparation with midweek planning. This includes facilitating praise team practice as needed (typically midweek on Wednesday evenings at 6:45 and Sunday morning at 8:30). This also includes communicating with the pastor about the service. – Leading Sunday morning worship. Vocal gifting is required. Piano or guitar proficiency is highly preferred as well. – Allowing time for other special tasks related to worship and to be further discussed. Regarding Financial Compensation: —Stipend at $250 monthly. The stipend will not cover certain Sundays when you are not expected to participate: the last three Sundays of December (15th, 22nd, 29th) nor the first two Sundays of January (5th, 12th). You will receive $125 those months instead. Please contact us for more information about this special opportunity: [email protected]


Southwood Church of the Nazarene

8201 Raytown Road


Michael Beck

Phone: 913 333-8440

Email: [email protected]

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