NTS Accreditation Status Information

The following degree programs are accredited by the Association of Theological School’s Commission on Accrediting:

  • Master of Divinity Degree
  • Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership
  • Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies Degree
  • Master of Arts (Theological Studies) Degree
  • Doctor of Ministry Degree
  • Approved for a Comprehensive Distance Education Program


  • MISSOURI, on the main campus of Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City.

The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada
10 Summit Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 USA
Telephone: 412-788-6505
Fax: 412-788-6510
Website: www.ats.edu


Nazarene Theological Seminary has been approved by the Missouri Department of Higher Education to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education.

Students may now take courses in a distance education format, as available, from any of these SARA-participating states. Distance education students who wish to file a complaint may do so using the Missouri SARA complaint procedure.

Nazarene Theological Seminary is also allowed to offer its degree programs via distance education by the following non-SARA state agencies:

  • CALIFORNIA: NTS is authorized by the California Bureau for Postsecondary Education to offer its degree programs.

Distance education students who wish to file a complaint against the school for violation of its policies must first attempt to resolve the issue informally. Failure to reach a satisfactory resolution via informal means should be followed by contacting the Associate Dean of Academic Programs & Enrollment at dldavis@nts.edu or the Registrar’s Office at registrar@nts.edu. Please allow up to 10 business days to receive a response. If the student is dissatisfied with the resolution, the student may file a formal grievance against the school by contacting the SARA State Portal Entity Contact for Missouri: Leroy Wade, deputy commissioner, at leroy.wade@dhewd.mo.gov or 573.751.2361. The student must provide documentation to support the grievance and verify they have completed the complaint process with the school.

Other Affiliations and Memberships

Nazarene Theological Seminary is also a member of the Kansas City Association of Theological Schools, a cooperative venture in theological education that includes Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Saint Paul School of Theology.

Title IV Loan Program Code of Conduct

In order to ensure transparency in the administration of the student financial aid program and to avoid the harm that may arise from actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest, Nazarene Theological Seminary has adopted the following code of conduct.

  • Nazarene Theological Seminary shall not enter into a revenue-sharing arrangement which is defined as an arrangement between a school and a lender under which the lender pays a fee or provides other material benefits, including revenue or profit sharing to the school, an officer or employee of the school, or an agent and in exchange, the school recommends the lender or the lender’s loan products and the lender makes Title IV loans to the student attending the school.
  • Any officer or school employee who is employed in the financial aid office or who has responsibilities with respect to student loans is prohibited from soliciting or accepting any gift from a lender, guarantor, or servicer of educations loans.
  • An officer or employee of the financial aid office or who has responsibilities with respect to education loans or an agent who has responsibilities with respect to education loans shall not accept any fee, payment, or other financial benefit (including the opportunity to purchase stock) as compensation from any lender or affiliate for any type of consulting arrangement or other contract to provide services to the lender or on behalf of the lender with regard to education loans.
  • Nazarene Theological Seminary shall not request or accept funds from any lender for private education loans including funds for an opportunity pool loan to its students in exchange for the school providing concessions or promises to the lender regarding the number or volume of Title IV loans or a preferred lender arrangement.
  • The Financial Aid Office personnel will not assign, deny or otherwise impede a borrower’s right to choose a particular lender or guarantor.
    Requests or acceptance of any assistance from any lender with call center or financial aid office staffing is prohibited.
  • Any school employee, in the financial aid office or with responsibilities regarding the education loans or financial aid, who serves on an advisory board commission, or group established by a lender, guarantor, or group of lender or guarantors shall be prohibited from receiving anything of value from the lender, guarantor, or group of lenders or guarantors. However, the employee may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in serving on the advisory board, commission, or group.

Annual Consumer Information Notification

Annual Security Report

Biannual Review of Drug and Alcohol Policies

Placement Statistics

Educational Effectiveness Statement

Cost of Attendance

NTS Title IX Policy

Questions related to Title IX may be referred to :

Title IX Coordinator
Cindy Howard, Financial Aid and Student Accounts Coordinator

Deputy Coordinator
Derek Davis, Director of Academic Programs

NTS Title IX Training Materials

2022 Husch Blackwell Title IX Training
Title IX: Regulations and Roles Overview, 2023-2024
Title IX and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees, 2023-2024
Title IX: Roles of Employees, 2023-2024

FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS & PRIVACY ACT (FERPA)NTS complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, Title IV of Public Law 90-247), as amended, and with Part 99 of the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Education to effectuate that act. NTS is required to comply with the act and with Part 99. The act provides that students attending any postsecondary educational institution that receives federal funds are entitled to have access to their education records kept by the institution in order to inspect and review those records. Students are entitled to request the amendment of any information in their education records that they believe is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights. Inquiries concerning the application of the Family Education and Privacy Act and the regulations pertaining to it may be addressed to the NTS Registrar (1700 E. Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64131). Any student or applicant who believes that NTS has failed to comply with the provisions of this act has the right to file a written complaint with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Office (Room 4511, Switzer Building, 300 C St. S.W., Washington, DC 20202).

NTS Privacy Policy: Please visit our terms and conditions/privacy page

Services to Students with Disabilities

Nazarene Theological Seminary is proactive in meeting the needs of students with disabilities. The following statement appears in all course syllabi:

“In accordance with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, NTS is committed to providing students with disabilities the opportunity to participate and benefit from its programs and activities. Accordingly NTS will make reasonable modifications to its programs and activities to accommodate otherwise qualified students with disabilities, unless such modifications would impose an undue burden on the operation of the particular program or activity or would fundamentally alter the nature or purpose of the program or activity. Students needing accommodations should contact the Office of the Registrar. They also should contact the instructor no later than the end of the first class session to discuss learning needs and adaptive strategies that have been beneficial for the student in the past.”

The Seminary building is equipped with appropriate ramps and an elevator to provide access to all. The library assists students with sight disabilities by helping them secure audio texts and research materials. All course syllabi are published on the NTS website and are available to all current and prospective students. An email notice regarding where students may locate this report on the NTS website is sent each October to all current and prospective students.

Voter Registration Information

In accordance with 20 USC 1094, NTS will make a good faith effort to distribute a mail voter registration form, requested and received from the State, to each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program and physically in attendance at the institution, and to make such forms widely available to students at the institution. NTS shall request the forms from the State, or send information to students with a URL on where to download forms, 120 days prior to the deadline for registering to vote within the State. NTS will send an individual email to each enrolled student with a URL link containing information where a voter registration may be filled out and filed within the state. Because NTS’s accrediting agency, the Association of Theological Schools, has approved courses taken at our multi-campus sites to count as residency toward the MDiv degree, NTS will not only provide a link for voter registration forms for students physically attending the main campus in Kansas City, MO.

NTS Main Campus – Kansas City, MO

For any student residing in any other state, if you would like to register to vote and have not done so, the United States Election Association Commission provides a United States Map with links to each state’s voter registration office here.

Adaptive Learning Strategies

In accordance with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, NTS is committed to providing students with disabilities the opportunity to participate and benefit from its programs and activities. Students needing accommodations should contact the Office of Enrollment Services.

Website Accessibility Assistance

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, NTS is committed to providing users access to our website to browse, apply, and interact with our staff. If you encounter any problems with accessibility, please contact us at 816.268.5400 or communications@nts.edu.

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