April 27, 2020
Each year, Nazarene Theological Seminary selects academic and ministerial award recipients from its learning community. The awards, which have a long tradition at NTS, are determined by the faculty or the senior class and presented to the recipient(s) at the Graduate Chapel prior to Commencement. Due to COVID-19, NTS Commencement is taking place through video presentation (May 2nd at 3:30pm), but we weren’t going to let that stop us from celebrating the amazing accomplishments of the persons below:
Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence: Joseph Blissett
Selected by the faculty for exemplary academic performance during his seminary career.
Corlett Senior Sermon Award: Julia Ezeigbo
The Corlett Sermon award began in 1945 and represents NTS’s long-standing emphasis on the art of preaching. Graduating seniors are invited to submit a sermon manuscript and video for evaluation. The Corlett Sermon Award recipient is invited by the faculty to preach their sermon the morning of Commencement. As our commencement activities move online this year, we present highlights of Julia’s sermon here. Congratulations to finalists Nate Cook and Joseph Blissett.
Evangelism Award: Jenee Noriega
Selected by the faculty for work in evangelism and church planting. This award is generously sponsored by the Chic Shaver Center for Evangelism.
Barnabas Award: Starla Rowell
The Barnabas Award is presented by the senior class to a student, faculty member, or staff member who has shown special care to the graduating class.
Heart of a Servant Award: Joseph Blissett
The Heart of a Servant Award is given by the senior class to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated Christ-like service to his/her classmates.
General Superintendents’ Award & Scholarship: Bethany Vierow
General Superintendents’ Award & Scholarship: Mary Beth Boesch
Zondervan Hebrew Award: Mary-Elizabeth Waters-Smith
Zondervan Greek Award: Audra Spiven
Zondervan Theology Award: Cole McGee
A special thanks to members of the 2019-2020 NTS Student Leadership Team. We are grateful for their ministry and ongoing support of our students and community life: Tyler Waters Smith: President; Braden Hailey Deisher: Vice President; Julia Ezeigbo: Secretary; Matthew Brown: Treasurer; Joseph Blissett: Director of Community Outreach; Danielle Wilson: Director of Spiritual Formation; Melissa Ward Rembao: Director of Events; Addison Fleishman: Director of Communication.
Congratulations to all of our award recipients and to the Class of 2020! Please join us this Saturday at 3:30pm CST on Facebook Live and on our website for a special commencement video premiere honoring our graduates!
Rev. Dr. Josh Sweeden
Dean of the Faculty